Post by smsPost by Kevin McMurtrieIn article
Post by Roy
That "up to" speed. Comcast's contract is quite explicit in stating
that only your minimum payment and contract term are guaranteed. It
could degrade to 2 Mbps every evening and you'd still be stuck paying
for 2 Gbps.
I'll sign up for Comcast when they produce a reasonable contract.
AT&T had a booth at the Cupertino Cherry Blossom Festival. Since almost
no residential customer has a need for 1Gb/s service, they were pushing
their 300 MB/s service, which is $80 with spying, $110 without spying.
I have a hard time understanding the need of anyone not running a server
farm at their house for even 300Mb/s, Even if you had a multiple 4K TVs
and were streaming the highest resolution video possible, you would not
need 300Mb/s. a 4K stream is about 15Mb/s. Even just 50 Mb/s would be
sufficient. I have two bonded channels from Comcast and get 59 MB/s
(advertised as 50MB/s service) for $40/month. They offered me 100 Mb/s
for $5 more but I declined. This includes basic TV which I didn't care
about. Every year I will need to do something to keep a promotional
rate, but that's well worth the few minutes of effort.
People who say that nobody needs fast Internet have no imagination. If
you were still using the early 1990 AOL portal, you might argue that
nobody needs 1Mbps. The Internet right now is a slightly modernized
version of that that dumb 1990 AOL portal: Web pages, crude online file
hosting sites, and low grade videos. Peer to peer doesn't work, remote
file access doesn't work, telecommuting doesn't work, and getting a
video call working reliably is still as magical and rare as it was in 15
years ago.
I will not see posts from astraweb, theremailer, dizum, or google
because they host Usenet flooders.