Post by Jeff LiebermannI just wanted to mumble that the free version of CryptoPrevent does
I mistyped here. I have a paid CryptoPrevent version and a free Zone Alarm
Post by Jeff LiebermannBetween my assorted machines, and my customers, I would guess(tm) that
I maintain at least 25 XP and 4 Vista machines. No problems yet. My
partial solution to such problems is to run regular image backups of
This is fine if the image backups (or file backups) are manual, but if
they're automatic, the backup can be infected as well, if it happened after
the ransomware was installed. My customers don't remember or don't care to
do manual backups, so I set them up with automatic backups. I also
encourage them to keep their original program copies in a safe place and to
back up crucial data to a memory stick or cloud (in addition to their
automatic backups).
I have had only 2 customers with ransomware (back about 2 or 3 years ago),
and both were the kind of folks who will download and install anything that
pretends to "fix" or "speed up" their computers. One of them I won't even
deal with anymore because I had to re-install Windows twice and they started
griping about the cost of my time.