Post by poldyPost by vallorThank you for posting. Group has been moribund for a while, but there's
plenty going on with the Internet in the Bay Area.
Is there?
Still waiting for fiber or some alternative to Comcast to come to my block.
I don't know what's keeping it off your block, but Sonic fiber came to
mine about two years ago and I see them continuing to march through San
Francisco. My gigabit connection has been pretty reliable and
Also I've seen Sonic and Monkeybrains in the news over FCC stupidness
(Basically the FCC is trying to override a SF law which lets Sonic and
Monkeybrains reuse now abandoned wiring.)
Ars Technica isn't a SFBA news source, they just like to report on
significant FCC backwardness (and, to be fair, they report on
particularly good things the FCC does, too, when that happens).
under the current administration there's more of one than the other